Sunday, April 8, 2012

At First Glance


If you could judge what's going on in this picture, what would you say? At first glance, it's just a few guys dancing and people standing around, having a good time.

Here's the scenario: Local bands play gigs on the stage, blasting through the loudspeakers for the entire block to hear.  Food vendors line the street - some Cuban food, some American.  Booths with art and jewelry exhibit their colorful work.  This festival lures in people from the surrounding community to join in the fun and to experience a "taste of Miami".

In front of the stage is a crowd of people, singing along with the local bands and dancing. I am especially drawn to the expression of this boy's face, and the movement of his hands.  His body language shows sheer enjoyment of the experience.  He is dancing as though no one is watching, free of worry. The vibrant colors add to the sense of spirit and playfulness.  This candid moment, in a sense, encapsulates the perception of Miami as a city focused on the fun parties and entertainment.

The boy is a local, born and raised in Miami.  Judging solely from his appearance, one would not guess. However, as a close friend of his, I have seen how he and his family are deeply rooted in their Cuban background.  This is what makes this photo so ironic to me: referring to Nijman's writing, this boy is a "local", with "exile" background, who appears to be a "mobile" at first glance.  He seems to capture all three of these diverse groups that represent Miami as a whole.  Without knowing him, the viewer would not know this information.

This idea of "at first glance" is important because it's the moment that creates an impression in our mind, and what may or may not spark an interest or memory.  The perception of Miami as an entertainment, capital-driven, city is the first glance of those who do not know the background and history.

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